I have integration key

Sirius Growth offers automated WhatsApp communication for any business. We help you to reach your candidates faster and more easy through WhatsApp.

Once you have activated Sirius Growth’s integration with Teamtailor you are ready to start sending WhatsApp messages to your candidates through Teamtailor. In this article you will learn how this is done! (or watch this short video here that takes you through the basic steps 👇 )

1. Create a company account

First of all you need to have a Sirius Growth company account setup. You can do via the following page https://siriusgrowth.nl/teamtailor-new-account/

After you have setup a company account you will receive an activation key.

⚠️ Make sure each candidates has their phone number setup in their profile.

2. Integration setup

 1. To initiate the integration, you’ll need an activation key from a Sirius Growth to connect the Teamtailor and Sirius Growth platform.

2. Activate Sirius Growth WhatsApp communication in Teamtailor

  1. Access your Teamtailor marketplace
  2. Search for the Sirius Growth integration.
  3. Click the ‘Activate’ button in the top right corner.
  4. Paste the key you obtained from the Sirius Growth portal.
  5. Click ‘Validate credentials’ button to ensure the details are correct.
  6. Finish installation


3. Getting started in Teamtailor

With the integration activated, you can now add a new WhatsApp Communication trigger to any job stage:

1. Select the job opening where you want to add the trigger

2. Click on ‘Triggers’ on the right side of the screen.

3. Choose the stage to trigger the interviews and click on ‘Add Trigger’. Select ‘Send Sirius Growth WhatsApp Message’.

4. Pick an interview template from the dropdown menu.


Remember, you can create more templates via our template onboarding process. Contact our team.


⚠️ Make sure each candidates has their phone number setup in their profile.


You are ready to go!

Now, every time a candidate is moved to the hiring stage where you have set up the Sirius Growth WhatsApp communication, a new WhatsApp message will be triggered.


Candidates will automatically receive a WhatsApp message.

For more questions or doubts about the integration, do not hesitate to contact us support@siriusgrowth.nl